Pub. 7 2019 Issue 1
13 The Community Banker Associate Member News LAURIE SPONHOLZ RETIRES L aurie Sponholz, CEO of Financial Education & Development, Inc., has retired after 29 years of service. Laurie’s career began with developing, selling, and presenting in-person seminars for bank and credit union associations across the coun- try. In 2002, Laurie spearheaded online delivery of seminars. That first year, Financial Ed partnered with four state associations to deliver four webinars. Five years later, Financial Ed conducted 133 webinars and phased out in-person training. Over the last 16 years, Laurie and her team have successfully grown the company amid a rapidly changing technology landscape. In 2018, Finan- cial Ed conducted over 380 webinars and partnered with over 100 associations to deliver training to the proceeding bank, cred- it union, hospice, homecare, and medical industries. Financial Ed’s new president and CEO, Larry Williams, has been with the company for 18 months and has assumed day-to-day operations. Laurie remains a company owner and director. MIB OUTSTANDING YOUNG BANKER AWARD 201 9 Application To recognize upcoming leaders in Montana ’ s banking community, we honor one special young banker each year. The recipient of this award will receive free convention registration, three nights lodging during the 201 9 MIB Annual Convention, held July 2 5 - 27 th 201 9 , $100 in travel expenses , an honor plaque to display in his or her office, and prominent mention in the MIB magazine and website. This award is based on the community banking values of good citizenship, community service, and sound banking skills. This award not only recognizes the impact that the candidate has in his or her business each day, but also the difference she or he makes by investing in their community. Eligible applicants must be under age 35, employed by a current MIB member bank for three consecutive years or more, and not have been the recipient of a prior MIB Outstanding Young Banker Award. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: _______________________________________________ Age: _________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________ Bank at which you are currently employed: _____________________________________________________________ Current Title/Position: ___________________________________ Employment Start Date: _________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONSENT The completed application and associated documents become MIB property. By signing below, permission is granted to MIB to request and/or verify information in this application. I acknowledge that I meet each of the qualification requirements listed above. If selected, I consent that my image and biography be used by MIB to announce this award. HOW TO APPLY 1. Please attach information regarding community service in which you are involved and how you are making a difference in your community. 2. Please attach two letters - one letter of nomination from a senior officer within your bank and one letter of recommendation from a community leader within your bank's service area . These letters should indicate that you, the candidate, exemplify good citizenship and good character, and that you donate time to your community to make it a better place. 3. Please send your application with the requested information to Montana Independent Bankers, P.O. Box 4893, Helena, MT 59604 - 4893 or . The application deadline is July 7, 201 9 . Thank you for your application! For more information, Jim Brown, MIB Executive Director at (406) 449 - 7444 or . Your perfect fit. You are as unique as your clientele. From lending programs, to payment solutions and everything in between, your membership with ICBA will keep your bank in the black. ICBA’s products and services are tailored to suit your needs. Developed for community banks by community bankers. 6092-ICBA_2017_TailorMade.indd 6 12/15/16 1:07PM
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