Pub. 6 2018 Issue 3

Montana Independent Bankers 30 South Ewing Street Suite 100 P.O. Box 4893 Helena, MT 59604-4893 This magazine is designed and published by The newsLINK Group, LLC | 1.855.747.4003 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALT LAKE CITY, UT PERMIT NO. 508 Recognizing the value of common trends and insights across industry sectors, we commissioned our first annual risk management survey: The 2018 Riscovery Insights Report. Find risk benchmark information facing banking, construction, health care and a variety of other industries curated in the Northwest. Use this information to realize the concerns for your business and visitwitha local agent for your customized riskmanagement plan. ▶ Download your report at: Insight to the concerns of business owners in your industry —with the solutions to maintain success.