Pub. 3 2015 Issue 1

13 Spring 2015 The Community Banker FIRST BANK OF LINCOLNMOVES TO A NEWHOME INTERMOUNTAIN BANCORP ENTERS INTOMERGER AGREEMENT WITH TETON BANCSHARES T he parent companies of two of Montana’s pre- miere community banks, Intermountain Bancorp, Inc. and Teton Bancshares, Inc., have entered into an agreement to merge. The subsidiary banks are First Security Bank, headquar- tered in Bozeman, and Teton Banks with offices in Fairfield, Choteau, and the Sun River Valley. It is anticipated that the parent-company merger will be complete in the second quarter of 2015, pending regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions. This union will create one of the largest and most diversified community bank organizations in the state of Montana. Customers, local communities, and employees will benefit from the eventual combined operations. The historically rich culture of both banks makes for a powerful partnership. First Security Bank recently celebrated its 95th anniversary, having opened for business in 1919. Teton Banks’ charter goes back to 1909, and the bank has nearly 100 years of common family ownership. T he 879 citizens of Lincoln, Montana, gained a beau- tiful new building in First Bank of Lincoln’s new head- quarters, to which it moved in mid-February. It’s a significant departure from the bank’s orig- inal home, which dates back to First Bank of Lincoln’s founding in the late 60’s. “It was very tired and not very functional,” Kenny Martin, president of First Bank of Lincoln, said. Martin said it was also an opportunity for the bank’s new owners, Forstrom Bancorp of Minnesota, to invest in the community. “We’re always interested in small communities and we believe in investing in small communities,” Janet Forstrom, the primary designer for their facilities, said. “We’re really hoping the town of Lincoln embraces the new building and are excited to have it here, and know that the owners truly care about the community.” Later in the year, once the merger between First Bank of Lincoln and Forstrom is complete, the name of the bank will change to Citizens Alliance Bank.